To help you navigate your way around our NORCON 2025 event at the Norfolk Showground Arena, we have compiled a Survival Guide for you. Please print this out prior to attending so that you can maximise your visit and of course, not get lost!
During the event and the subsequent build up to it, it is an exceptionally busy time for us – please make sure you check the website and the FAQ page before firing off an email to us. We will do our best to get back to you but a lot of the information is already up on the website for you.
CLICK HERE to read our policy on COSPLAY and BANNED items.
Any items deemed dangerous or not adhering to our policy will be confiscated by security and returned to the owner at the end of the show. If in doubt – leave it behind.
- Make sure you have your tickets with you, either printed or on your phone/tablet ready to be scanned.
- Check that you are coming on the correct day and at the correct time as per your ticket.
- Make sure you are in the correct queue (Early Admission or General Admission); it could be a long walk to the back of the correct queue if you get it wrong.
- Bring a brolly or poncho in case of poor weather.
- Plan to walk a lot. Wear comfortable shoes, even with costumes. Comforting Gel inner soles for your shoes are excellent to keep your feet fresh and comfy.
- If it all becomes a bit overwhelming – there’s plenty of open space outside to get some fresh air and have a little down time.
- It can be a long day and get quite warm inside the venue – bring some deodorant with you and stay fresh.
- If you heavily use a power-hungry phone, carry a battery charger so you can recharge without a socket.
- THERE ARE NO CASHPOINTS ON SITE – please ensure that you bring enough cash with you for the day. Some traders will be accepting card payments. Use your bank’s website to locate branches/ATMs near the con and your hotel before you leave.
- Sometimes guests will be charging in multiples of £5.00 (£15, £25, £35 etc) make sure you bring along plenty of £5.00 notes or correct change.
- When buying something, try your best to pay with the closest change possible, as it is difficult for many traders to keep handing out large amounts of change.
- Make sure that you keep your fluids up – it can be a long day and the food vendors on site will all have drinks available for purchase.
- Some guests will hold a Q&A session near the end of their stage chat. This can be the most cringe-worthy part of any panel because people do not think before they speak. This is not a criticism. We absolutely understand getting star struck, wanting to take the opportunity to speak with a famous person you admire, and not having a good question to back it up. Just think before you ask, you are going to be in front of hundreds of people all watching and listening to you.
- Guests are now often charging for “selfies” so be prepared for this. This is the way they make their income.
- Guests will be charging for autographs, selfies or combos (Autograph + selfie at a reduced price). PLEASE make sure you bring some £5.00 notes or pay the exact fee as often the guest assistant will not have enough change for the entire day.
- Guest prices are displayed behind each guest for Autographs, Selfies, Photoshoots and Combo’s. They will also display the guest Photoshoot times and lunch break times.
- Be respectful of the Cosplayers and other Fandoms, what you may not like others may love and vice versa.
- Cosplayers do not mind taking a picture with you. They usually put a ton of effort into their costumes and want to show them off. They enjoy it, so there is no need to be shy. You do need to be polite though, so always ask first.
- Do not grab cosplayers and try to drag them into a quick pic, and be careful about hand placement when posing. Shoulders are always safe, arms around an abdomen are usually fine, but anything else is inappropriate and unwanted. Absolutely no groping, regardless of how little attire they are wearing. COSPLAY IS NOT CONSENT!
- If you are cosplaying yourself, be prepared to spend a lot of time posing for pictures. Also: if you are wearing a big or heavy costume, pack some extra deodorant and reapply often.
- If your child is into dress-up, let them choose a costume. They will have a great time cosplaying. Be aware that people may want to take photos, so best policy is to establish ground rules with your child.
- If bringing a small child with you, a good policy is to write a contact number and have them keep that in their pocket just in case they get separated from you at some point. We have permanent pens available and can supply you with a blank wristband to write a contact number on and attach to your child if required.
- Lost children meeting point will be in the ARENA MAIN FOYER. Please talk to our security staff for instructions and help should you need to.
- We do state to guests and acts whilst on stage to minimise any profanity – this is a LIVE event, occasionally a rude word or two slips through, we do our best though to control and contain this.
- Children are welcome at NORCON, but that does not mean that every attendee will show discretion to suit your tastes. There are always cosplays like Slave Leia or our Body Painters walking around, for example, so be ready to explain to your 6-year-old “why that lady’s wearing fancy underwear.” Your kid is going to see some crazy, inexplicable stuff, so… be ready for the questions.
- Whilst there will be fan made Disney, Marvel, DC and other cartoon like characters at NORCON, there could be some costumes or exhibits that may come across as slightly intimidating to more nervous or younger people, there is plenty of space to move away.
- There may also be some body-painting exhibitors at the event, all models are covered and there is NO nudity. NORCON is a big area and you can easily walk to another part of the venue to avoid them.
- REMEMBER – there is a LOT of information on the website – check the FAQ section and web pages for answers to questions and also frequent schedule and guest updates.
- HAVE FUN – That’s why NORCON is what it is, just come along, leave your cares and worries at the door and soak up that geeky goodness and enjoy.